How to Make a Natural Deodorant Stick
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Unlike store-bought antiperspirants, homemade deo doesn’t contain any chemical additives that can be harsh on the skin. Make it easy on yourself by using the opposite hand to apply the deodorant to each of your armpits. Twist the applicator wheel 2-3 clicks. Once the lid is off, turn the wheel on the bottom of the deodorant stick 2 or 3 times to ensure that you have enough deodorant exposed at the top. Before applying the stick deodorant, either take a shower or wash your armpits thoroughly to freshen up.
If your surface isn’t, you might experience more trouble making suction cups stick. DIY deodorants use essential oils for fragrance and skincare. No synthetic fragrance is added in making these.
Coconut Oil and Sage Deodorant
Wonderful site you have and thank you for sharing all your amazing research, tips & recipes. Sweating is one of the ways that our bodies detoxify. Preventing our bodies from sweating is preventing one of our important detoxification pathways from working, and is definitely a bad idea.

Create a double boiler by putting the container with the oils and wax in a pan of water. Also, commercial deodorants usually use some form of aluminum to stop perspiration. Aluminum is toxic to the body in a variety of ways. It’s certainly not something we want to be absorbing into our bodies on a daily basis. Also, I will look into changing the link above – I actually re-used deodorant containers for this DIY. Mine were Tom’s of Maine and Schmidt’s deodorant bottles that I had used up.
Fight Body Odor with Natural Deodorant, Learn To Make Deodorant Stick At Home
If you’d prefer to have it in “stick form,” you can add a little bit of beeswax and shea butter to the recipe to thicken it. Yet I found that didn’t work as well for me and went back to the jar recipe. This effective, healthy and cost-effective homemade deodorant is made from natural ingredients and will keep you smelling fresh throughout the day.
I prefer bars to deodorant tubes, since the arrowroot powder/baking soda components tend to sink to the bottom. While it’s melting , mix together your coconut oil, arrowroot powder and baking soda. Some people are sensitive to baking soda on the skin.
Homemade deodorant: a recipe for succes
Pour the mixture into recyclable deodorant containers and place them in the refrigerator to cool. Add in the essential oils and then combine all of the ingredients. This DIY deodorant uses a variety of natural ingredients that are moisturizing for the skin and have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Some ingredients in conventional, store-bought deodorants can negatively impact hormone levels. Parabens are used as preservatives in deodorant products, but they have been shown to interfere with estrogen production. And phthalates have shown to disrupt testosterone production.
In addition to detoxing your armpits, you may also want to consider detoxing your whole body. All the processed foods we eat contain chemicals that end up affecting the way we smell when we sweat. Try out our Seasonal Cleanse or Seasonal Cleanse to get started on a whole-body detox. These cleanses are super easy to follow and just use whole, plant-based foods (no expensive supplements!) to gently clear your body of unwanted toxins. Most store-bought deodorants contain parabens, aluminum, dye, and a bunch of chemicals I can’t even spell . Different studies have theorized that the aluminum in antiperspirants may increase the risk of breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
Deodorant is one organic skincare DIY that I’ve been making for a long time. Since commercial deodorants contain some really hazardous ingredients, it was one of the first skincare products that I wanted to be able to make myself. I wanted to be able to use only the safest, most natural ingredients. The result was a solid deodorant that is easily stored, smells great, and keeps me smelling great too! Plus it is EXTREMELY economical to make.
The deodorant spray will last about six months. Spray the deodorant onto clean armpits and give it a minute or so to dry before putting on clothes. Baking soda has antibacterial and anti-fungal effects, and it effectively absorbs moisture.
By making deodorant at home, you can modify the ingredients to meet your needs, and have peace of mind knowing exactly what’s going into the formula. This DIY, baking soda-free deodorant recipe is packed with natural ingredients that are moisturizing, nourishing, and work for even the most sensitive skin. To me, that’s reason enough to ditch commercial deodorants and make my own. I’ve been using the exact same recipe for over 9 years now and I absolutely love it and use it every day. The only thing I change up is the essential oils I use, depending on what scent I feel like that season. This wax has a higher melting point than beeswax, but it is not a super hard wax.

Candelilla wax turned out to be the secret ingredient I had been looking for. Beeswax softens too quickly, and is responsible for the thick, goopy mess I had been experiencing. Matt and Betsy are passionate about living naturally and building a like-minded community focused on the sustainable lifestyle. I actually used recycled bottles of Tom’s Of Maine deodorant and Schmidt’s deodorant that I had used up. They were your average deodorant bottles with a wind up top. Katie is a wife, mother, aromatherapist, and lover of all things DIY.
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Another common ingredient, triclosan, is used to kill bacteria on the skin’s surface, but may impact thyroid function. Meanwhile, aluminum has been shown to interfere with estrogen action. Often but not always, I put a couple of reused shop bought containers in the dishwasher and they came out great.

When using essential oils in deodorant, it’s important to mix them with a carrier oil or alcohol to ensure they are dispersed evenly and won’t stain clothing. Additionally, when working with essential oils, always use caution and read instructions carefully. This is optional, but I use this blend of essential oils to add a subtle fresh aroma to this DIY deodorant.
Therefore, make sure you switch brands frequently. If you have especially hairy armpits, stick deodorant may not be as effective. While applying stick deodorant is not a complicated procedure, there is a correct way to accomplish it without causing too much of a mess. Stick deodorant is popular in the United States, but other countries favor sprays, gels, or no deodorant at all. The Food and Drug Administration classifies deodorant as a cosmetic designed to eliminate or mask odor with fragrance. Olive oil, cocoa butter, and coconut oil all offer moisturizing qualities for the skin.

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